Nurture, Outreach, Witness (NOW)

Through the leadership of our NOW committee, we reach out to our church family, our local community, and the world in many ways.  And we are always looking for more ways to share the love of God!

Through our Shower of Blessings Ministry, we keep an area in the church stocked with paper and personal hygiene items as well as some basic non-perishable food items to help members of our church family in need of a little assistance.  It also provides some resources for community folks in need of emergency assistance.

In our local community we support the Union City Food Pantry and the School Backpack program which sends home food with students that might overwise go hungry over weekends.  We continue to help sponsor the broadcast of school sporting events that started when spectators were limited.  We also support music and drama programs at the school, the yearbook and the student led ministry IMPACT Union City.  We assist the Family Support Center in providing Thanksgiving Baskets to local families.  We serve as the distribution site for the Union City Ministerium and Second Harvest Food Pantry’s monthly Produce Express.

Twice a year we collect gently used clothing for the Erie United Methodist Alliance’s (EUMA) Rainbow Thrift Store.  Each Lenten season, items to make Easter baskets for the children of families that are housed at The Refuge (an EUMA shelter for homeless families) are collected.  Year round we collect shoes in all sorts of condition to help raise funds for the EUMA and All God’s Children Ramp Building Ministry.